Introduction Blender 3d and Tool Panel
Blender is a 3D software suite is arguably one of the most comprehensive among open source software. The tools provided are simple but already covers all the needs for the creation of animated films. For example the character animation, Blender provides the facility of bone, though not as sophisticated commercial grade software like Maya or 3D Max.
Blender provides facilities for radiosity lighting. With radiosity, you can create realistic lighting effects that resemble the real world. Although its implementation is relatively simple in Blender and is still far from perfect but radiosity is the facility that is absent in commercial animation software even called great.
Additionally Blender is available for various OS including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix and Solaris. Blender also does not require high computing power. Minimum PC specification needs to run Blender is 486-compatible processor, 32MB RAM, 16-bit display and a graphics card that has OpenGL capabilities. With these specifications you should be working with Blender, but certainly more advisable to use a PC with a higher capacity eg Pentium 3 with 128MB RAM so that the entire facility can run up Blender.
- Blender Tools
At the moment we opened the initial display will be at the Blender suguhkan with various tools and menus are enough to support the creation of an animated object, we will discuss discuss some important parts of the tools.
- Menu View
The menu is varied depending on Blender typenya editor, the editor type forefront several options including:
• 3D view
• Timeline
• Graph editor
• Dope Sheet
• UV / Image editor
• Movie clip editor
• Info
• etc..
Of the editor type mentioned above are only a few types that are often used and is the default at the beginning of the first open Blender include:
- 3D View
3D view is used for basic manipulation of 3D objects , his tools , among others :
Translate manipulator mode , used to move objects by right clicking the mouse and then drag the object to the desired location . If you want to move the object Based on the orientation angle X , Y , Z do left click on one of the colored lines and then pull . Red line for angle X , the green line to the corner of the Y , and the blue line to angle Z.
• Rotate manipulator mode , is used to rotate the object . how to use almost the same as the translate manipulator modes , namely one by clicking on the object orientation line and then drag the object will rotate based on the orientation angles click .
• Scale manipulator mode , is used to change the size of an object based on line orientation of the X , Y , Z. way menggunaannya translate manipulator is similar to that mode by clicking one of the orientation of the line and then drag the object will change its size according to the orientation of the line .
• Mode , this tool is used to change the mode of each object , each mode has the usefulness of each . There are 6 modes including object mode , edit mode , Sculpt mode , vertex paint , texture paint , weight paint .
• Scaling pivot , used to set the rotation pivot point . By default we use the median pivot .
- viewport
Viewport is a worksheet to create a 3D object . In the viewport there are 3 objects , namely Cube , Ligthing and Camera . By default , View Port has the X and Y axis and in view of this port we can see the project in a variety of angles and can set the layout and camera and so on .
- The Blender Features :
• Modeling , to create 3D objects
• UV Mapping , Moving objects by vertex
• Texturing , Gives texture on the object
• Rigging , for membuatan bone / bone on the object
• Skinning , giving skin on the object / model
• Annimation , making animation / motion on the object by using the time line
• Particle , manufacture of particle on the object / model
- Advantages Blender :
• Display and convenient use and neatly arranged
• Tool to create a complete 3D objects include modeling , UV mapping , texturing , rigging, skinning , animation , particle , scripting , rendering , compositing , post production , and game creation .
• Cross platform , with a uniform GUI and supports all platforms .
• Blender 3D can be used on both the Windows operating system , Linux , Mac OS , FreeBSD , Irix , Sun Solaris , and other operating systems .
• File sizes are small.
• Free or free as open source .
- Command Basics in Blender 3D :
• TAB , move between edit mode and object mode select .
• " O " , will be put in a proportional vertex editing when in edit mode .
• " A " , when in edit mode to select all vertices nice .
• " B " , will bring up a box ( window drag ) to select multiple objects . in edit mode the same as " A " . but by pressing twice will bring up the select circle that can be changed by rotating the mouse wheel .
• Space Bar , will memunculkn tools menu which can add new objects .
• Number pad , Controls the display . " 7 " for the Top , " 3 " side , " 1 " fronts , " 0 " camera , " 5 " perspective , " . " Zoom to the selected object , " + and - " Zoom in out .
• Mouse , Left to editing , to select the right object , middle ( mouse wheel ) to zoom and rotation of the display . Wheel + shift to rotate the screen .
• Shift , press the Shift key to select multiple objects with the mouse right click .
• " R " - object rotation .
• " S " - Changing the scale .
• " G " - Moving Objects .
• Shift + D - Duplicate object stau vertex .
• " E " - Extrude object .
• " U " - In object mode , Single - User will bring up the menu to Unlink materials , animation ( IPOs ) etc. .
• " M " - move the object to another layer .
• " Z " - Changing the look of the wireframe to solid .
• Alt + Z - Changing the look texture .
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